Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Central Idea

Homework and reminders
Re-registrations packages due.
Work on Exhibition
Monster Project

The students corrected the tree diagram homework from the previous lesson. No homework tonight.

As usual please check out Miss. Cranfiled’s blog.

UOI – Exhibition
The students began crafting their Central Ideas for their project. The Central Idea is the main learning objective of the project, the Big Idea. Students should continue brainstorming this evening (10 – 20 minutes). Please check Google Docs and Google Classroom for the electronic copy. The next step is writing lines of inquiry, which will begin tomorrow.

Central Ideas are due on Thursday.

UOI – Language
The students wrote persuasive paragraphs after lunch. They shared their work and analyzed the structure of the form. Students are encouraged to identify weak areas of their writing to improve self-editing.