Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Singing in the Rain" - Grand Finale


Flight Summative presentations - June 13/14
Alternative Ending Friday June 9th
Casual Day June 14th
Dufferin Track and Field Meet June 21st, 2017 - come out and support your peers.
Fraction Quiz next week
Friday June 16th Awards - Half Day/ Early Dismissal
Class Party June 15th - Students have volunteered to bring 

The grade 5's and 6's continued their work from the previous lesson. 
For homework, please complete the Jump Math exercise package. 

UOI - Flight
The students had a period to work on their devices and report. 

As usual please check out Mme. Villeneuve's blog.

As usual, after lunch the students had gym with Miss. Cranfield.

The grade 5's and 6's played an exciting game of Quidditch. Check out the videos below. I had a sideline interview with the players and caught some of he action on 'film'.

UOI - Language
The students had a period to work on their alternative endings.